Welcome Space Events at BSRC
Tuesday 28th February 2023
The rising cost of living has hit many in our local communities hard. Although we have had a milder winter than feared, with energy prices through the roof, many people are still struggling to heat their homes to a comfortable temperature. Food budgets have taken a big hit too: some local parents tell us they have been living on a single meal a day just so their children can eat. Meanwhile, the number of people coming to us for Food Bank vouchers continues to rise.
Over the last few months, therefore, we have seized every opportunity to provide a welcome space where people can stop in for a hot drink or a bite to eat. We have been using the neighbouring hall to host after-school pizza parties for local children and their parents, a chance for both to socialise with their peers, wind down at the end of the week, and save on the cost of a hot dinner. At our most recent event, two groups of 60+ children came and enjoyed a hot meal, along with their parents.
Our older adults groups have also been taking advantage of the space, meeting on Friday afternoons to enjoy a large Somali lunch and engage with guest speakers. Topics so far have included healthy eating and how to understand your prescriptions.
A big thank you to all those who are enabling us to run our Welcome Space events.