
BSRC visits the Prince's Trust

BSRC visits the Prince's Trust

Friday 10th March 2023

Recently BSRC brought a group of young people from around Bristol to visit the Prince's Trust's Bristol centre. Zahra describes her experience of meeting members of their team and hearing about the different programmes available to local young people.

"The visit to the Prince's Trust was informative and very fascinating for me and my peers. Helping people out from ages 16 to 30, the Prince's Trust helps give a leg up and support for those who need to find work, get back into study and work out what to do next. As we sat around the table, two kind employees of the trust explained to us about the myriad of courses, such as the enterprise course which allows people to start their own businesses and the know-how's of doing it, and a teamwork course which builds experience and confidence in working in a group. It was also quite a relaxing environment, with the hosts being very open and kind, which is quite different from a lot of people's work or school environments."