About Us

The Bristol Somali Resource Centre (BSRC) is a community based organisation which supports people who are socially and economically disadvantaged in particular but not limited to people of Somali origin and heritage living and/or working within Bristol.
The community organisation was set up by group of local volunteers in 2006 to help newly arrived immigrants, and the registered charity was created in 2008.
BSRC provides free and impartial information, advice and guidance on range of issues including welfare, housing, immigration, schools and employment.
We aim to get the voice of the Somali community heard in the area, promote community cohesion and reduce the isolation of Somali people.
BSRC has been, and continues to be a key partner for organisations and bodies seeking to establish facts and understanding of the Somali community.
Why we are here
As one of the newest communities in the UK, Somalis often have difficulty accessing mainstream services and navigating complex UK systems. They face a number of challenges, such as:
• Securing work and adequate housing
• Challenges following in the wake of COVID-19, including food poverty and social isolation
• Accessing the benefits they are entitled to, such as for Universal Credit
• Immigration and asylum issues
• Discrimination and unfair employment practices
• Increasing physical and mental health issues
• Language and cultural communication problems.

In assisting the Somali community, we draw on our own skills and resources and pull in specialist help when needed, so that those we support do not face these challenges alone.
We also represent the Somali community and advocate for their rights within the wider Bristol society, promoting greater integration and cohesion at neighbourhood and citywide level.
Our vision and mission
Our vision is to create a healthy and vibrant Somali community, integrated into British society as active social and economic participants.
Our mission is to promote a culture that values all individuals and communities, in particular the Somali community.